Archive for 2011

Best practice for Literacy Volunteers: READ and TALK

April 22, 2011

An excerpt from a program I recently did for Literacy Volunteers: If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team of parents, educators, volunteers and caregivers, working together to make sure children acquire the early literacy skill they need to enter school and be successful learners. Children are made readers on […]


Unplug…your kids and yourself!

April 18, 2011

Screen Free Week, (formally TV Turn off, April 18-24, 2011) is the annual national celebration where children, families, schools, and communities turn off TV, video games, computers, and hand-held devices and turn on life.  Instead of relying on screens for entertainment, they play, read, daydream, explore nature, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. […]


Lets hear it for poetry that is easy, and I do not mean simple, to understand and invites pleasure.

April 15, 2011

In anticipation of April being poetry month I signed up to receive a poem a day, delivered to my email.  Anticipating great delight, I quickly, and not so happily, became disenchanted. I have not understood or liked any of the poems until today when I received The Things by Donald Hall. Lets hear it for poetry […]


Children (and adults) benefit from someone handing them a book that speaks to their interests.

April 12, 2011

They say advice is worth what you paid for but here is a lovely story about how a piece of advice played out. Recently I was doing a program and a librarian and mother of two sons lamented how one of her sons is a reluctant reader. I asked her what are his interests and […]


Sixty Second Parent’s blog highlights the merits of Reading Together: Everything You Need To Know To Raise a Child Who Loves To Read

April 12, 2011

“30 Days to Make a Lifetime Reader” Recommends Reading Together  Read More >> Ramping up the pleasure principle in reading and love of story helps prevent the well-documented summer slide in academics, most notably in reading. The key is to find a balance between school time reading and summer time reading. “30 Days to Make […]



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