Archive for 2011

“Poetry is emotion recorded in tranquility.” Wordsworth

April 7, 2011

No surprise that William Wordsworth, (4.7.1770) born in the midst of spring, wrote enduring words about daffodils— one of the happiest flowers I know. I don’t gaze upon them without recalling his words—“Fluttering and dancing in the breeze, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.” Choose your own favorite line or two, a “souvenir” from his […]


“Others might tell stories to put you to sleep, but I tell stories to wake you up!”

April 4, 2011

Born April 4, Reb Nachman would be 239 years old today. As a brilliant teacher, and considered to be the first Jewish storyteller, he succeeded in creating  stories which will endure forever. Reb Nachman understood the power of stories to transmit a people’s values and way of life and put into practice the adage:  Thou […]


Children & Poetry- a match made in heaven!

April 1, 2011

I am delighted that the Academy of American Poets inaugurated in 1996 National Poetry Month, which is now held every April. Taking poetry “off the mantle”— saving it for meaningful occasions—and putting a little bit into our everyday lives is a good thing.  I think of a poem as a vitamin for the spirit. Having […]


Parents reading to children opens to the door for a conversation about the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

March 25, 2011

Parents want their children to feel safe, but traumas and natural disasters are part of the world. The urge is not to talk with children about subjects that are difficult, but the reality is that your children will learn about these subjects, and if not from you, then from someone else. And that “someone else” […]


Diane speaks in Melrose Park, PA: Teach children to love to read: Read a book-Ask a question-Start a conversation: .

March 25, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011 10-11:30am at ACAJE/JOP, 7607 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027 Tips and strategies to help children get the most from the books they read: A conversation and book signing with Diane W. Frankenstein. Read More>>



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