Archive for 2012
Diane and Reading Together are featured on Metro Imma , the #1 site for Jewish Moms
July 29, 2012
Parental expectations are key to a child’s success in school.
July 26, 2012
Charter Schools, schools that are publically funded but independently managed, are often a lightening rod in the perennial debate on how to provide quality education for all children, regardless of race and economics. To shed some light on the issues, I recommend two recent articles from The Economist. and I believe that all […]
Words have power
July 17, 2012
A recent article in the WSJ, ‘Taco Bell’s Canon” noted that students who don’t read sometimes have hilarious notions of how the written language represents what they hear. Here are a few examples of how words are erroneously used by some of these students. ~ One guy admitted that he had trouble getting into “the […]
Diane highlights how reading encourages empathy in the St Helena Star
July 12, 2012
Diane spoke of how stories encourage a person to step inside the shoes of another person. Literature stirs our emotions and makes us feel — in attempting to understand anyone, empathy counts for much.
Children need a dose of Dr. Seuss & Dr. Einstein
July 6, 2012
Giving children down time is akin to giving children the good nutrition they need to grow and thrive. The Fourth of July signifies summer is here. For so many families, unstructured time and lazy summer days are a fantasy. Children today are more over scheduled than ever before and the end of the school year […]