Archive for 2015

Talk to your baby.

July 16, 2015

A recent article, Brain exercises for your baby, highlights how talking to babies helps them learn and develops their brain. Studies show that the vocabulary a child learns in the first three years of their life directly affects their future IQ. Babies best learn vocabulary inside face-to-face conversations, not from screen technology. But, just as […]


What you have in common with Tolstoy

July 8, 2015

Looking for the right word, the words that will best express what you want to say or write? You are not alone. The great writer Tolstoy often found himself in a similar predicament. His solution might prove helpful Nabokov, a Scholar of Russian Literature in addition to being a great novelist, said this about Tolstoy’s […]


A Father’s Day Tribute from a son

June 21, 2015

Books are one of the ways we learn about who we are and who we might become. Often we meet characters who point the way and inform our sensibilities about what matters. In honor of Father’s Day, let me share a passage from a son speaking to how much he appreciated his father. “ I’m […]


Let Dad Be Dad

June 18, 2015

The difference between men and women is a subject that will never be exhausted, but new research is shedding light on some of the important and beneficial differences in the ways mothers and fathers parent. With the best of intentions, mothers tend to dominate much of the parenting that takes place and often dad is […]



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