Archive for 2015

Thank You Bring Me A Book Hong Kong

January 27, 2015

I want to thank all the individuals who participated in the weeklong workshops. I was impressed with your enthusiasm and your eager participation. You came to each workshop, energized and ready to learn how to best Conversationally Read with your children. You came to understand: ~ Learning to ask good questions is an essential skill; […]


Don’t Count Books, Count Conversations

January 19, 2015

What matters is not how many books your child reads, it’s how many conversations she has about them.  


“The answers aren’t important really…What’s important is—knowing all the questions.”

January 19, 2015

After years of Conversationally Reading, with adults and children I have begun to believe that the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company, and inside good books. There is more power in the questions we ask, then in the answers we find.The quality […]


Winnie the Pooh is 89 years old but how did he come to be?

January 19, 2015

A real black bear inspired the adoration of young Christopher Robin for his stuffed toy. The bear was called Winipeg, Winnie for short, so named for the hometown of its owner, Canadian veterinary surgeon Harry Colebourn To know the full story, turn to Winnie, by Sally Walker, a new picture book for 4-8 year olds…and of […]



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