
A Father’s Day Tribute from a son

June 21, 2015

Daniel in nautreBooks are one of the ways we learn about who we are and who we might become.
Often we meet characters who point the way and inform our sensibilities about what matters. In honor of Father’s Day, let me share a passage from a son speaking to how much he appreciated his father.

“ I’m grateful to my father for many things, particularly for the way he taught me to love the natural world. One morning, when I was a child, I excitedly pointed out a mysterious circle of lush, vibrant grass in our lawn, a patters that seemed to have sprung up overnight. Thankfully, he didn’t fill my head with facts about underground fungal mycelia. Instead, he told he about the fairies that came out to dance at midnight., carelessly leaving magical traces in the grass—fairy rings.”

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers who are either first time fathers or fathers for many years.

Let Dad Be Dad

June 18, 2015

The difference between men and women is a subject that will never be exhausted, but new research is shedding light on some of the important and beneficial differences in the ways mothers and fathers parent. With the best of intentions, mothers tend to dominate much of the parenting that takes place and often dad is […]


We read to know we are not alone. C.S. Lewis

June 7, 2015

Literature about transgender individuals is in its infancy. But the good news is there is a small group of emerging authors who are writing children’s literature that centers on transgender characters, hoping to fill the void they felt as young readers. As one author wrote “My goal was to write stories that would have helped […]


Academic teaching in kindergarten backfires.

May 17, 2015

Play is the work of childhood and is how children learn many of the skills, both academic and social; they need to be successful in and out of school. The push for early academics, sadly, has replaced the emphasis and importance of play. The reasoning is that without an early start on academics, children risk […]


Mother love along with storytelling is fundamental to evolution

May 9, 2015

Mother’s Day celebrates the love between mothers and their children. I recently read a bold statement that put mother love in the context it deserves, Mother love, along with storytelling is fundamental to evolution. Attachment, the core of a mother’s love for their child, nurtures a child’s development of self and allows them to thrive […]


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