
A New Year’s Resolution Worth Keeping—Make 2014 the year you read or reread Zora Neale Hustron

January 7, 2014

Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) , a writer closely associated with the Harlem Renaissance, made such a statement during her lifetime but she was buried in an unmarked grave in a pauper’s field, where she lay in obscurity until another young writer, Alice Walker, decided to take it upon herself to bring Hurston’s body of work back to life.  If literature is life unwrapped, Hurston’s, Their Eyes Were Watching God will give you an emotional roller coaster ride of a life time. The book captures and gives new meaning to the words wit and pathos. In her own words:

~ “Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to ‘jump at the sun.’ We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground.”

~ “I have been in Sorrow’s kitchen and licked out all the pots.
Then I have stood on the peaky mountain wrapped in rainbows,
with a harp and sword in my hands.”

Make yourself a New Year’s resolution worth keeping: Make 2014 the year you read or reread, Their Eyes Were Watching God

The world is a better place because people dare to ask the difficult questions.

January 1, 2014

I believe s good way to start off a New Year is with a thought that both inspires and motivates. I want to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela and it turns out that his birth name gives me such an opportunity. Nelson Mandela’s birth name was Rolihlahla, which in the Xhosa language means, “pulling the […]


Give children the gift of your time and attention

December 22, 2013

There are tremendous benefits for children who attend high quality preschool programs; “they learn better, behave better, live healthier and earn more for the rest of their lives.” These findings come from the 1962-67 Perry Preschool Project study that followed children in the programs through the decades and into their 40’s. However we also know […]


Parents can help children cope with bullies

December 15, 2013

I am in favor of whatever it takes to combat bullying. A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle spoke of how schoolyard bullies have been around forever, but the advent of social networks have made the problem much larger. Parents can play an important role in preparing children to resist being bullied and becoming a […]


If a book is good for you to read at 5, it is good to read at 50.

December 9, 2013

A recent article in the WSJ drew attention to gorwn-ups reading Children’s books. I don’t think it is any secret that a good book for children is a good book at any age —as C.S. Lewis said: If a book is good for you to read at 5, it is good to read at 50.  But […]


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