
What does a giraffe have to do with learning?

September 7, 2011

Curiosity is our greatest search engine and education should be about keeping one’s curiosity alive and well nourished.  The beginning of a new school year holds much promise for learning, discovery and exploring and an active imagination is the best companion to take along on that journey.  You might wonder what does a giraffe have to do with learning?

Can your imagination stretch further than a giraffe?

Start off the school year right!

August 12, 2011

With school around the corner, start the year off right and buy a colorful map of the world. Let me share a story, THE MAP. Our kitchen is the focal point of our family life and for the past 30 years, a colorful map of the world has decorated the room where we eat all […]


The drawback of E-readers

August 5, 2011

I have written extensively about the pros and cons of E-Reading and I admit I am not lukewarm on the subject. But I have just found the reason why I have not succumbed. I  recently read an article, “What an E-Reader Can’t Download.”  and I couldn’t say it more eloquently so here is an excerpt […]


Discover the pleasure of rereading a favorite book.

July 27, 2011

Treat yourself and reread a favorite book. Not only do you reap the benefits of meeting an old friend you loved, but you also discover a different you who is now reading the book, but with different eyes. Experience the wisdom of Marcel Proust who said : “The real voyage of discovery consists not in […]


Words and verbal fatigue. Are you beginning to sound like everyone else?

July 18, 2011

I love words and I marvel how all of a sudden people can easily begin to sound like everyone else.  Believe it or not, there is actually someone who keeps track of words and phrases that are over used. Though maybe “you could care less,” the scholars in question keep track of linguistic mangling and […]


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