A Thought to Ponder
August 24, 2009
“Our lives are not made up of atoms; they are made of stories.”
– Muriel Rukeyser
People love stories— but not everyone likes to read
August 17, 2009
I was talking with a friend the other night at a San Francisco Giants game and I found myself mesmerized by his stories about his favorite baseball players and their struggles to get to the big leagues. I was struck by how animated and involved he was in telling me about their perseverance, their obstacles, […]
July 22, 2009
The other day, a mom told me she was taking cupcakes to her daughter’s day camp to celebrate. The reason for this celebration was that her daughter was the camper of the week and each week, the ‘camper of the week’ is asked to do something that makes a difference in someone’s life. In response […]