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Meet Diane
“Diane transforms the way even the most gifted teachers inspire and nurture skillful, reflective reading. Her thoughtful approach is a catalyst for young readers to develop their capacity to think and write as well.” – Tim Johnson, Head of School, The Bay School of San Francisco
“Diane’s insight into and perspective on strategic literacy puts her in a class of her own. She has a unique ability to affect profound change in the way people read, think, and ultimately understand the world.” – Yolanda Yeh, Pro-Active Learning, Hong Kong
Advice from Diane
Do you worry that your child doesn’t like to read? Is a slow reader? Reads “junk” instead of quality books? Reads words fluently but with little comprehension?
Did you know you can support your child’s reading skills from the text on a cereal box (or with a conversation in the car)?
By making a few small shifts and taking a different approach, your child too can learn to love reading great books—and talking about them.
Find out more in 11 Essential Elements to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read.