While reading an article about how fatherhood informs a writer’s life, I found myself imagining my ideal father. My ideal father would not necessarily have to be capable of writing stories such as The Real Thief and T.H. White’s, The Once and Future King who created Merlin, my dream father, but he would be my very own Scheherazade, telling me magical stories that kept “..and then what happened?” alive and well. Together we would enter the world of story and create our very own understanding and language to talk about these stories.
I would also want my father to be playful, funny, lovable, reliable and eager to listen to all that I had to say. And he would make me feel like Cinderella. Check out the song, Stealing Cinderella by Chuck Wicks. As many songs do, this one tells a heartfelt story that might possibly bring a tear or two to both fathers and daughters.