Happy Birthday Kevin Henkes— another author on my Evergreen Valentine list.

I have a few things in common with Kevin Henkes… As a child he loved to re-read books and he liked to take them everywhere. Even better, all his books showed signs of love— fingerprints on the pages, his name inscribed on the front and back cover and he liked peanut butter— and he was curious about the authors— did they have families, how old were they, where did they live?

And of course, I am still curious about Kevin Henkes and I love his books!
A quote from just one of my many favorites—

“He couldn’t help but give in to the occasional temptation to replay past events in his mind, altering them, changing them from cruel to comfortable, from sad to happy, from unfair to accommodating. Anything was possible in his imagination. Any ending. If only thinking it could make it so.” Kevin Henkes, Bird Lake Moon

What author would you put on your Valentine List?


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