Librarians are Fairy Godmothers in disguise.

Library card Start the year off right—Make a librarian your best friend. Back to school is a busy time— new schedules and routines, making new friends, and new challenges. I highly suggest making a Librarian, your school or community librarian, your new best friend. Someone who will come to know you in a very unique way—knowing what you like to read and what you don’t like to read.

Librarians seem to have cornered the market in enthusiasm…. I am always grateful and so appreciative when I am introduced to a book with the enthusiasm librarians seem to have in great abundance. A Librarian on friendly terms with his or her collection, who know what books to put into your hands, is invaluable.

One of my dearest Librarian friends just introduced me to a book on the merits of making mistakes, Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty, perfect for the K-Grade 2 set.
The book is a celebration of creativity and perseverance, qualities we all need in abundance.

Its been said —when you absolutely positively have to know, ask a librarian.
Looking for that special read—ask a librarian for a little help.
As Rita Mae Brown said “ When I got my library card, that’s when my life began.”


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