Thank you New Haven!

Talking about a story is the key to children becoming good readers.
Read a book. Ask a question. Start a conversation.

I want to thank everyone I had the pleasure to work with in New Haven this past week.  The parents, teachers, providers and caregivers I met at New Haven Reads, Gateway Community College, All Our Kin, Covidien, and West Haven Community—all of you brought great enthusiasm and determination to my presentations. You understand that wanting the best for children translates into making sure children develop strong literacy skills.  You are all part of the team that will make sure the doors to literacy open. You know this will make the biggest difference in the life of a child. I hope Reading Together and Conversational Reading continues to inspire you.

“The most important outcome is not how many books children read,
but how many conversations they have about them. “

For Information on December programs in New Haven,  please


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