Curiosity drives one to know what is not easily apprehended. It takes courage to go where your curiosity takes you. Good readers are curious people, they strive to know. While reading an essay on the significance of reading in a person’s life, I came across an anecdote of a child who dares to ask big questions. Like a mountain to be scaled, such a child can look a question in the eye and does not let fear foreclose looking, seeing and understanding.
Reading encourage people to tackle the big questions as we vicariously inhabit a story. The best of stories are a route to scale the mountains of questions. Not all ‘readers-travelers’ know the route and books are a great help since they contain the choices of so many other explorers and mountain-climbers. They are the ones who can point out the best trails and reveal the most secret passages.
So if you want to stare the enormous question in the eye, you’ll be glad you brought some books in your backpack. The person who reads holds this world of exploration in their hands. Through curiosity they come to know, like the highest peaks in the world, questions love to be scaled and pondered.