Would Ben Franklin, founder of the fist lending library, like today’s library?

If you are a lover of Libraries, you must be forever grateful to Benjamin Franklin, the founder of the Library Company of Philadelphia in 1731. It was America’s first lending library and can lay claim to being the predecessor of the free public library. “Welcome to the Library, Where Shushing is Overdue” a recent article in the WSJ illustrated how much libraries have changed. My favorite libraries are “user-friendly” and along with areas of quiet for reading and contemplation, they are also full of activity with programs geared for kids and adults. Franklin, a true Renaissance man, had something witty and poignant to say on almost any topic imaginable, including reading. One of my favorites of his quotes is: “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

What would Ben think of the modern library? Your guess is as good as mine, but I like to think he would be pleased to see busy libraries used so well.

For those who like to discover little known facts: Did you know that Franklin appeared on the first United States postage stamp and has been depicted on more U.S. postage stamps than any other American except George Washington?


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